ACP honors outstanding chapter activities with Evergreen Awards
At this year's Internal Medicine meeting, ACP presented Evergreen Awards to 10 Chapters.
At this year's Internal Medicine meeting, ACP presented Evergreen Awards to 10 Chapters. The Evergreen Program provides recognition and visibility to those chapters that have been successful in implementing programs that increase membership, improve communication, increase member involvement, enhance diversity, foster careers in internal medicine, and improve management of the chapter. Here is a list of the chapter winners, the titles of their programs and the categories of submission. For more information on a particular program, contact Keirston Scott.
Tennessee Chapter for Building Alliances with Employers, Insurers, and Physicians to Implement the Patient Centered Medical Home
The Tennessee Chapter created alliances with multiple stake-holders in an attempted to move the Patient-Centered Medical Home into the mainstream of thought concerning the future of primary care. What first began as a local initiative has now expanded across the state to an educational program targeted at multiple decision-makers.
Texas Chapter for Collaborating with other Physician Organizations to promote Primary Care.
The Texas chapter joined with the Texas Academy of Family Physicians and the Texas Pediatric Society to form the Primary Care Coalition. This coalition has been responsible for educating physicians, the public, and the Texas State Legislature regarding issues and problems encountered by primary care physicians.
Associates/Young Physicians

Minnesota Chapter for Creating a Med-Peds Partnership
The Minnesota Chapter has collaborated with the local Med-Peds community to incorporate a Med-Peds program into their chapter's annual meeting and their Governor's Council.
Missouri Chapter for Membership Outreach
The Missouri Chapter revolutionized the poster competition at their chapter meeting by introducing “Patient Safety & Quality Improvement” as a third category of resident poster competition. The result has been greater participation by both residents and Program Directors and a substantive increase in Associate membership over the past five years.
Pennsylvania Southeastern Region for Leadership Development Geared towards Young Physicians
The Pennsylvania Southeastern Region is recognized for developing a multi-year program which allows interested young physician members to learn how to more effectively use their leadership skills. Components of the program include a series of dinner meetings on leadership development, encouraging young physicians to participate in national and chapter leadership activities, and the establishment of an on-line newsletter with topics focusing on leadership.
South Dakota Chapter for Honoring the Past by Supporting the Future Project
The final award in the category of Associates and Young Physicians is for the South Dakota Chapter's efforts to honor those members who have significantly contributed to patients, colleagues, and the South Dakota Chapter by offering members an opportunity to memorialize these individuals through a donation to support the membership dues of an Associate.
Arizona Chapter for Linking It All Together: A Systematic Plan to Emphasize the Chapter Web site
The Arizona Chapter embarked on a multi-faceted campaign directing members to their Chapter Web site for information regarding Chapter business and activities. As a result of this focused effort, the Chapter realized a 1,300% increase in hits to the Chapter website over the course of four years, as well as dramatic increases in Chapter activities, volunteerism, active Councils, membership, and Chapter meeting attendance.
Innovation in Chapter Management
Combined Chapter Award to Alaska, Nebraska, South Dakota and Wyoming for Shared Regional Executive Director
The award recognizes the efforts of four chapters who unite to share the resources and expertise of one Executive Director. In a tight economy, the chapters recognize the importance of sharing ideas and resources while taking advantage of an experienced staff person who serves as their primary support in moving their chapters toward excellence.
Wisconsin Chapter for A New Way of Running our Business
The Wisconsin Chapter is recognized for the establishment of a permanent Wisconsin ACP Headquarters by bringing in a professional management firm. The chapter is able to develop a more cost-effective approach to managing the chapter. In addition, communication between the Chapter Governor and state council members has been improved.
Japan Chapter for Western Style Case Discussions geared towards Associate and Medical Student Members
The Japan Chapter is being recognized for introducing the Western Style teaching approach to medical students, residents and fellows.
Special Recognition Award
In addition to the Evergreen winners, the Chapters Subcommittee is giving Special Recognition to the Ohio Chapter, acknowledging the tremendous efforts of the Chapter Governor for developing and implementing new strategies to communicate and recruit members.