Search results for "Physician Burnout"

Results 1 - 10 of about 35 for "Physician Burnout".
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Primary care physician burnout estimated to cost U.S. health care system $260 million annually

Interventions to boost practice efficiency, organizational culture, interpersonal connections with colleagues, and local leadership can improve professional fulfillment and reduce burnout, suggested the authors of a new study.
8 Mar 2022

Is AI OK for IM?

While generative artificial intelligence systems such as ChatGPT could potentially revolutionize the practice of medicine, their role must be carefully assessed, with humans, especially physicians, in firm control of interpreting output.
1 Mar 2024

Combination of interventions may combat physician burnout

Although no specific physician burnout interventions have been shown to be better than others, individual-focused interventions and structural or organizational ones are probably necessary.
4 Oct 2016

Tackling burnout as an occupational phenomenon

Workplace problems need workplace solutions, rather than the frequent, well-intended, and misguided workplace programming that tries to emphasize making already resilient physicians tougher.
1 Sep 2023

Physician burnout tool helps identify stressors

The module is part of the AMA's Steps Forward™ Initiative, a practice-based initiative that aims to provide physicians with strategies that can improve practice efficiency while also improving the patient experience and lowering overall costs through improved professional satisfaction.
16 Jun 2015

Taking action to bridge the physician shortage

Addressing the critical physician shortage requires a comprehensive strategy focused on empowering physicians, revamping training models, and reshaping incentives to prioritize patient-centered care.
1 Apr 2024

Letters to the Editor

Readers respond to ACP Internist coverage of issues surround the time spent with patients, ICD-10 coding changes, and physician burnout.
1 Mar 2015

Jan. 14 webinar covers “Mindfulness in Medicine: What Physicians Need to Know”

The free one-hour webinar begins at 3 p.m. ET and is open to all ACP members.
7 Jan 2020

Tips for workplace wellness

With nearly 63% of physicians reporting one or more signs of burnout, two experts offered advice on making changes to help prevent it.
1 Jul 2023

Published studies may exaggerate the effect of burnout on quality of patient care

While higher burnout is associated with lower-quality health care, the magnitude or clinical significance of the relationship is still not clear due to variability and confounding in the existing research, according to a systematic review.
8 Oct 2019

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