June 2010

Pearls aid treatment of opioid dependence
Agonist treatments over “cold-turkey,” foiling abuse of oral medications and “the eyes have it” for inpatient diagnoses. Pearls lay out the best ways to manage opioid-dependent patients in many settings.
Cardiologists highlight prevention, clopidogrel
Subspecialists leading the Internal Medicine 2010 cardiology pre-course offer advice, but also accept some from general internists about preventing cardiovascular events in high-risk patients.
Incontinence in women a neglected but treatable problem
Incontinence affects one in four pre-menopausal women and nearly half of post-menopausal women. But it's treatable at any age, and treatment is associated with far less morbidity.
Using e-mail in practice is e-asy, but exercise care
E-mail can improve communication with patients##mdash;it's even reimbursable##mdash;but it's effective only if it's used properly. One physician discusses the do's and some very important don'ts.
Allergist offers answers for internists' practice encounters
Allergies and all the “As” of asthma, aspirin and anaphylaxis get considered in a session on conditions that affect one-fifth of the population.
IMGs get acculturation advice from a veteran
In an already overwhelming time period of residency, international medical graduates face extra burdens: confusing slang from patients, questioning authority when needed, and interacting with more knowledgeable subordinates. Cultural barriers have to be crossed to adapt to life in a U.S. residency.
Hospital medicine meeting offers advice for all internists
In addition to complete coverage of the American College of Physicians' Internal Medicine meeting, readers can find coverage from the Society of Hospital Medicine's annual meeting, including a digest of palliative care, consulting as a career and infectious disease control.
FDA approves generic hypertension drugs, looks at Stalevo
Recalls, warnings, approvals and other regulatory news.
Issue covers highlights from Internal Medicine 2010
ACP Internist digests events at Internal Medicine 2010, and garners an award for the year for general excellence.
Letters to the Editor
Readers consider Mindful Medicine's cautionary tale about The Blindmen and the Elephant, in which subspecialists each consider a diagnosis within their own field instead of seeing the entire diagnostic picture.
Court case questions patentability of human genomic structure
The human genome is not only known, but owned, to a certain extent. The effect is a chill on medical research, impaired diagnostic testing and companies unwilling to risk research ##amp; development funds for projects with no payoff.
ACP's president converting to a medical home for quality care
Pilot studies of the patient-centered medical home show success and satisfaction for the doctors willing to make the change. ACP's president begins his own conversion, and shares the results with the entire membership.
Now begin the nuts and bolts of health care reform
The American College of Physicians begins an educational campaign to introduce health care reform to its members.
DEA to ease burden, allow e-prescribing controlled substances
The Drug Enforcement Administration released an interim final rule outlining how doctors can begin to fulfill narcotic prescriptions electronically. ACP's practice management staff outline how physicians can begin the process.
Quick tips for billing locum tenens doctors
Locum tenens doctors add flexibility and the ability to fulfill specific practice needs. Billing on their behalf requires modifiers and paying attention to a 60-day grace period when using National Provider Identifiers.
Governance policy committee seeks regent candidates for 2010
The Governance Policy Committee oversees the process for nominating and electing Masters and Fellows of the College to the Board of Regents and is beginning the process of seeking Regents to join the Board in May 2011.
ACP Internist and ACP Hospitalist win awards
From Association Media and Publishing and the American Society of Healthcare Publication Editors.
MKSAP Quiz: Asymptomatic nodule
A 62-year-old man is evaluated for an asymptomiatic nodule on his should that has been present for more than 1 year. Skin findings are shown. What is the most likely diagnosis?.