President's Message

Déjà vu all over again for American health care?

The last decade has seen an upsurge in the numbers of “nonphysician providers” or “advanced practice professionals” who are increasingly being placed by health systems to fill gaps in access to care and lower the burden on individual physicians.

A shingle or a billboard? Changes in physician practices

Physician employment has accelerated over the last two decades as the health care system has evolved.

Profits before patients: Private equity and commodification

Health care system consolidation and market- and profit-driven motivation have become at odds with the realities of health care, where market forces do not perfectly align with the product line.

Better is still possible: Promoting improved health for all

We need the courage to fix the structural and fiscal inefficiencies that result in the United States having the highest health care costs and the worst outcomes among developed countries.

Taking action to bridge the physician shortage

Addressing the critical physician shortage requires a comprehensive strategy focused on empowering physicians, revamping training models, and reshaping incentives to prioritize patient-centered care.

Support, empathy, system changes vital to battling burnout

It is important to provide support to physicians and learners in the ways they and their patients need it.

The ethical nexus of health care: Purpose over profit

ACP is comprehensively examining the corrosive impact of profit-driven health care on the sacred patient-physician relationship in order to pave the way for potential solutions.

Looking ahead at the past

ACP membership inspires through its principles, opportunities, and relevance.

The human right to health

The intrinsic connection between health and life's quintessential pursuits is undeniable.

Transforming health care to improve U.S. life expectancy

The sobering decline in U.S. life expectancy reaffirms the exigency of health care reform anchored in a proactive and comprehensive approach.

Tackling burnout as an occupational phenomenon

Workplace problems need workplace solutions, rather than the frequent, well-intended, and misguided workplace programming that tries to emphasize making already resilient physicians tougher.

Silent epidemic: Alcohol and preventable death, despair

Alcohol use disorder is often linked to poverty, unemployment, social isolation, and other social determinants of health, and medicine must address these underlying factors to genuinely reduce the risks associated with alcohol.

Universal health care: Why not?

The College recommends universal coverage, independent of a person's health status, income, employment, or place of residence, with essential benefits, adequate access, and lower administrative costs.

Health equity: The finish line

Repairing multiple layers within systems is fundamental in changing policy and involves advocacy at the individual level and at the professional society level.

Our words matter

Difficult conversations offer moments when physicians can be true healers and provide empathy, compassion, and comfort through something as simple as their words.

Relationships and return on investment

ACP membership offers medical education, advocacy and evidence-based policy, and a community of colleagues.

The more you know … the more you know

Physicians should be in charge of health care teams because of the breadth and quality of their medical education.

Intimate partner violence: An epidemic hiding in plain sight

Despite a recommendation to screen for intimate partner violence and the many tools available to physicians, barriers to implementation remain.

Primary care: When will we learn?

Primary care remains underfunded despite its association with decreased health care costs and improved health outcomes.

Internal medicine: Validating our identity and value

ACP is launching a new campaign to educate about the depth and diversity of internal medicine and highlight the value that all internal medicine physicians bring to health care.

Diversity in leadership begins with sponsorship

ACP's President reflects on sponsoring diversity at the chapter level to promote future national governance.

Advocacy is a marathon that mimics our patient encounters

We do advocacy work on a daily basis when we see patients, and we have to approach our interactions with legislators in a similar way.

Staying connected: Touch over tech

ACP's new President addressed the physician-patient connection in his first column.

Inclusivity that never dies: The future of ACP

ACP's President recaps his tenure as he discusses the College's efforts at diversity, equity, and inclusion.

3 Cs: Corporatization, consolidation, commodification

Current trends in health care emphasize the importance of our continued advocacy efforts for our patients and our profession.

Inclusivity that is accepting: Embracing different sexualities

Everyone, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity, deserves equal access to all of the resources, all of the benefits, and all of the protections available to others.

The journey to equity includes health equity

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted health equity, and how many health care disparities exist, such as to telemedicine, mental health, and substance use disorders.

Inclusivity that contemplates: More than just diversity

Diversity without inclusivity is incomplete, but inclusivity can be tough to measure, and subtle in its effect.

Inclusivity that reevaluates: Assessing meritocracy

The playing field in a meritocracy is not always level because it is at least partly class-based, with wealthy parents affording their children advantages that they might believe were earned instead of inherited.

Inclusivity that calls for embracing: The importance of IMGs

International medical graduates are crucial to the practice of health care in America and around the world.

Inclusivity that is introspective: The need for racial equity

ACP's President continues his series of columns exploring themes of diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Inclusivity that compels: He for she

Gender inequity in our society is not exclusive to medicine, and we have a long history of it in the U.S.


The College has become a leader in the world of justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion. While it is tempting to feel a sense of accomplishment, there is a gnawing feeling that more needs to be done.

A little girl's dream: The path to becoming ACP President

ACP's outgoing President reflects on her life, her career, the past year, and the lessons it has taught her.

Spring planting for a new harvest

The COVID-19 pandemic has taken half a million American lives. Amid this loss, the new year offers new political leadership, new insights, and new plans for the future.

From crisis to opportunity: Time to invest in primary care

The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed an inadequate and antiquated reimbursement system for primary care, compounded by a neglected public health system.

Channeling the ‘Fauci effect’

At the local level, really local, like our offices or in our own communities, we are the Dr. Faucis.

The pain of 2020 and the hope for 2021

We have lost so much this past year, but loss also reminds us of our abundant blessings, so many we take for granted daily.

Internists must navigate multiple worlds during the pandemic

Addressing the COVID-19 pandemic has cast a bright light on the value of the internist's comprehensive case management skills, among them symptom identification, accurate diagnosis, and disease management.

My ‘Zoom’ presidency

ACP's President reflects on how the pandemic has changed her ability to interact with members, patients, and even her own family.

The devastating trifecta of 2020: Is there any hope?

Physicians facing crises of a pandemic, economic losses, and social unrest should offer hope to patients as they are treated for the consequences of these and other ailments.

Getting to the new normal

A new way of conducting office visits in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic seems frightening at first, but the precautions taken instill in patients confidence that they are safe visiting their doctor.

Shaken, but not deterred

Especially during a pandemic, internists are front-line health care physicians.

Battling the hydra of the medical-industrial complex

ACP leadership has developed a new vision for the future of American health care in order to achieve universal coverage and improve access, reduce costs, improve the dysfunctional payment system, and reduce administrative burdens and excessive complexity.

Oaths, charters, and our professional ethos

A re-examination of the Hippocratic Oath leads to questions of ethics, professionalism, and a more modern code that physicians can follow.

Bias, metacognition, and their roles in our critical thinking

Medical heuristics are strategies that lead in quicker fashion to decisions or conclusions, but they can also lead us to using only part of the information that a clinician might need.

Internists must reassume the mantle of the ‘doctor's doctor’

The future of the general medicine specialist is in fact bright, but it will require a significant effort on an individual, professional, and societal level.

Are internists team leaders or orchestra conductors?

Experience gained during residency training alongside so many other specialists and a role as care coordinators makes internal medicine specialists become uniquely qualified to serve as the conductor of this patient care orchestra.

Osler, expertise, and phronesis personified

From residency onward throughout a physician's career, becoming a diagnostician requires the ability to distinguish important clues or details from those that are not as pertinent to the situation at hand, a slowly developed skill that ultimately is recognized as an “expertise.”

Defining our identity does not include the ‘P word’

The term “health care provider” implies that health care can be conceptualized as just another commodity, when it is really about helping people who are suffering, managing complex problems, and counseling them how to live.

The challenge of time

Clinical lives are run by schedules with office visit slots as short as 15 minutes, often not enough time to handle the issues of any given patient.

The importance of ‘the caring’

The fragmented health delivery system in which physicians maneuver can interfere with patients' perception of how much a clinician cares.

‘The Pause’ allows physicians a chance to ponder

“The Pause” allows physicians a chance to reflect upon a diagnosis or how to communicate with patients, as well as reset their mindset throughout the day.

At the end, a focus on values, purpose, attention, truth

In her final column, ACP's outgoing President looks ahead at the College's priorities and challenges to advance the dialogue that will move us into the coming decade.

Understand factors that determine health, how they mix

Myriad aspects of life impact health, and these social determinants include multiple models that include more than the physical body.

International colleagues face familiar problems

The conversations taking place at international medical meetings could be taking place at our local chapter meetings.

Looking back and looking forward

As the year begins, ACP's President shares where ACP has been and where membership voices have guided ACP to engage in the coming year.

Gratitude and thanks for those who vaccinate

A particularly difficult experience is confronting diseases that might have been prevented through vaccination, yet it is care that prevents illness and greater pain.

ACP resources aid the practice of medicine

ACP has resources to support internists' ability to care for patients on a daily basis, including regulatory and business factors that impact practice.

Prevention as a prescription for cancer

Lifestyle modification and integrative approaches as interventions for aging well are simple and straightforward, yet these changes can be difficult to implement and sustain.

Study other arts to practice better medicine

Patient communication skills hinge upon careful listening and speaking, cultural literacy, humility, and awareness of the patient's health literacy and numeracy.

Mission and purpose can counter feelings of burnout

ACP's president discusses physician burnout and the College's efforts to address it.

ACP bridges perspectives within internal medicine

ACP can serve as a virtual agora where the different professional branches can draw from their common root of internal medicine, and bridge differences by providing a space where members can talk through and think through different perspectives while remaining connected to patient care.

Doctors with borders

What parameters determine ACP's responsibility to speak out on what is right and wrong, set guidelines, offer guidance, and articulate policy on behalf of internal medicine?

Pick six

Six core competencies in medical education have stood the test of time. Six more could help physicians understand what it means to be a competent internist.

Preventing burnout is essential medicine for physicians

ACP is working to identify and address the root causes of the problem that most affect the practice of internal medicine and creating a network of support for distressed internists.

In this together

Correcting medical errors in a systematic manner has come a long way, but have we made progress in helping our colleagues and ourselves deal with mistakes?

A good month to raise the rates

There are several important revisions for adult immunizations, including not using the live attenuated influenza vaccine for the 2017-2018 flu season.

Intended consequences

ACP's awards, though not always instrumental in propelling a recipient's career, can inspire, validate, and assure the recipients that their hard work will not go unnoticed, and that they are on the right track.

Consider seniors and the role they might play in ACP

ACP's senior members have an enormous amount to offer.

Another tag line—almost as good

ACP's president addresses the investment in and commitment to bedside diagnosis and physical exam skills.

Minding your P's and M's

In medicine, internists need to mind not just their "P's and Q's" but their "P's and M's," that is, evidence-based practice and evidence-based medicine.

Courage, sacrifice, and internal medicine—a year in review

ACP's president reflects on his year of tenure and shares his convocation speech from Internal Medicine Meeting 2017.

8 ways that members can guide College activities

ACP's members can meet the challenges of today's world by becoming more involved in their local chapters, serving on national committees, or running for leadership positions within the national organization.

ACP's international presence promotes better clinical care

The American College of Physicians has a significant international presence, with 19 international chapters.

After the election, a time for reflection

The new administration the Congress will force us to rethink our priorities, values, and approach to economic, geopolitical, environmental, educational, religious, and social issues.

Behind the scenes at ACP, policy can improve patient care

By carefully crafting evidence-based policies, ACP can influence regulatory agencies and advocate for better patient care.

Time to curb the rising costs of prescription drugs

The U.S. will see the largest increase in per capita costs in pharmaceuticals among developed markets through 2018. The CREATES Act: Ending Regulatory Abuse, Protecting Consumers, and Ensuring Drug Price Competition would approve federal and state regulation on costs to allow for return on investment by manufacturers but ensure affordability for patients.

GME needs serious financial and structural reform

The current system and critical elements of undergraduate and graduate medical education are in need of serious financial and structural reform.

Internal medicine can slow climate change, improve health

ACP is once again proactively addressing an issue of importance to human health: climate change.

Internists tasked with implementing the triple aim

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services is transitioning toward new practice models, and the overarching theme of these programs is the triple aim of health care: better patient experience, improved population health, and higher quality at lower cost.

Clarity of vision sets the stage for ACP's work

Much has been achieved in the past year, such as repealing the sustainable growth rate formula. New goals include advocating for further changes to Maintenance of Certification and helping physicians transition to new models of care delivery.

Signs of progress for MOC, but more work needed

The past year's worth of advocacy to improve the Maintenance of Certification process has succeeded, in part, but the issue will remain in front of ACP leadership in coming years.

ACP helps transform practices to value-based care

ACP is 1 of 10 Support and Alignment Networks that received grants from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to support physicians as they improve patients' experience of care, improve the health of populations, and reduce the per capita cost of health care through the expansion of quality improvement capacity.

Multitasking at the heart of ACP's many roles

ACP is an organization that can balance multiple goals of administrative acumen and strength, robust public policy development, and a proven track record of improving the lives of the patients served by its members.

ACP expands its global reach

ACP is providing access to leading clinical resources and facilitating local interaction and education through its international chapters, which continue to expand. The College's total international membership now exceeds 13,000, an increase of almost 8% from 1 year ago. Currently, there are 18 international chapters.

Improving the practice environment and payment reform

Recent examples and accomplishments of ACP advocacy toward improving the practice environment include increasing payments to internists, reducing administrative burdens, promoting continuity of care and access to physicians, and reducing the costs of prescription drugs.

Firearm-related injuries, deaths in Charleston and beyond

A reflection on recent tragedies leads to embracement of initiatives meant to stem the tide of gun violence.

“Doctor, can I get an MRI?” ... Not so fast

ACP seeks to educate and encourage shared decision making with patients, rather than have physicians order screening tests out of habit.

With the SGR gone, are ACP members all in?

ACP has been part of a major legislative victory in the repeal of the sustainable growth rate. The organization has embraced quality improvement and high-value care as the future of internal medicine, and it seeks the same commitment from its members.

Imperturbability, preparation for internal medicine's future

Student well-being and resiliency should be part and parcel of medical training, and this lifelong learning will help them overcome some of the burnout issues facing medicine today.

Celebrating ACP's history, embracing its future

By taking note of how far the American College of Physicians has come in the past 100 years, one can get a better sense of how much farther the organization needs to go.

ACP's ‘Mission: Not Impossible’

Changes to the Maintenance of Certification process advocated by College leadership are the beginning of meaningful reform of the process, not the end.

Quality and cost of care at the end of life

Success in end-of-life care begins with how effectively physicians communicate with patients and their loved ones.

Excellent internal medicine takes time

Internists often feel pressured to see patients in less time than patients need, creating dissatisfaction on both sides. The American College of Physicians is advocating for that time, to enhance the quality of each visit and allow for thoroughness and for reflection on the encounter.

Students and residents are also burning out

Burnout and the loss of joy in being a doctor have become an ever-expanding concern and a major part of our rhetoric these days. For many physicians, it begins in training.

ACP's international presence reflects familiar domestic needs

Internists globally share many of the same problems and concerns as those in the U.S., so ACP plays an immensely important role in influencing the growth, practice, and sustainability of internal medicine in many other countries.

Institute of Medicine report falls short on primary care training

Organized medicine reacted with concern to a proposal to restructure graduate medical education that did not take into account the looming shortage in primary care.

Employer exemptions can create gaps in preventive services

The prospect of universal health insurance coverage was threatened when the Supreme Court carved out exemptions to employer-based health coverage, ACP's president says in his column about the College's support of the Affordable Care Act and preventive services without cost sharing.

Are internists ready to respond, or asleep at the concert?

ACP's president argues the importance of ensuring the graduation of lifelong learners and internists who are prepared for the profession not only in knowledge and skill, but also in wisdom.

Maintaining the sanity of maintenance of certification

ACP seeks ways to make maintenance of certification more educational, professionally fulfilling, and relevant to the practice of internal medicine.

And so it begins: The long but not-so-lonely road

ACP's incoming president reflects on the coming year, concerns about the future of internal medicine, and goals of the College.

ACP and the ‘house of medicine’

ACP's outgoing president reflects on her past year, milestones the College has achieved, and what future goals remain.

Make the most of time spent at Internal Medicine 2014

Learning is a progressive, contextual, social and active process. Time spent at ACP's Internal Medicine 2014 meeting is well spent.

ACP remains committed to securing patient access to care

ACP's president rebuts a recent opinion piece disparaging the College's advocacy on the issue of access to care.

Transparent charts and opening the problem list to patients

Doctors use the patient's medical chart as a notepad of sorts, to record clinical impressions and thinking. But the record's increasingly open nature requires physicians to reconsider how they document the patient's history and what they might be willing to share with the patient.

ACP services satisfy a broad array of internists' needs

The Chair of ACP's Board of Regents fills a guest spot, answering questions about how ACP's many products, programs and services add value to membership.

Maintenance of Certification is needed, but it needs to change

ACP will continue to press for a process that ensures physicians remain up-to-date on clinical knowledge, but in a much less burdensome way than the current methods.

How to handle talking politics with patients

While physicians should not inflict their political opinions on patients, how this plays out in the exam room depends on the doctor.

Graduate medical education and the new accreditation system

Residency program directors serve an intimidating number of masters, leading them to worry about the “go-live” of the new accreditation system for graduate medical education.

Professional excellence, service make ACP essential

In her first column, ACP's incoming president reflects on how internists can make themselves essential to their patients through membership in the College.

Reflecting on a busy year and on returning home

ACP's outgoing president reflects on his year serving the College's membership and the joys of rededicating himself full-time to his patients.

Internists should pursue innovative practice models

The patient-centered medical home and the accountable care organization allow internists to do a better job caring for patients, and there is at least some early evidence that they may reduce the costs of care.

College continues to evolve to meet its members' needs

The American College of Physicians has changed its governance structure to streamline itself, meet current and future needs of members, and define a strategic plan that positions itself for future successes.

Together internal medicine and the subspecialties are stronger

Members of the American College of Physicians met with the leaders of subspecialty societies to develop ways to better coordinate care, redesign medical education and support the medical profession.

Expanding Medicaid is the right thing to do for public health

Expanding Medicaid will be a state-by-state effort on the part of ACP members.

Leadership, character and taking a stance for the right reasons

For members of the College, taking the right stance on behalf of patients comes before any political principles or self-interests.

Stories of real patients reinforce the values of medicine

Three patients' stories remind a physician why he chose to become a doctor, and of the rewards and responsibilities that accompany that.

Team performance defines practice success

An entire team of clinicians is responsible for good patient care, and it is time to consider practice models and medical society memberships that reflect this necessity in the modern era.

The Court, the College and an inevitable health care revolution

The Supreme Court is considering the constitutionality of health care reform. Regardless of its decision, health care will change from economic pressures and a desire to make the system better from within.

Membership in ACP is now more important than ever

ACP's incoming president urges his fellow physicians to promote membership in the College—the “doctor's doctors” in internal medicine.

Transitions don't mean a loss of continuity for ACP's mission

As ACP's outgoing president contemplates the upcoming change of leadership, she realizes that while the people may change, the organization still requires its leaders and its members to continue.

Changes to a practice also provide personal transformation

The change to a patient-centered medical home model enabled one internist to practice medicine to his fullest extent. The extra income and relaxed atmosphere are added benefits.

Global outlook toward improving America's health care system

The College's educational programs, products and services are recognized and valued internationally, even as the College takes on a decidedly global membership. More than 30% of the College's members are international medical graduates.

Medical professionalism faces new challenges, opportunities

Ten years later, a physician charter challenges doctors to accept commitments to professional competence, improved quality and access to care, and professionalism in conduct.

Evaluating what is important about performance measures

Connecting with the patient and improving their health should be the key factor behind implementing performance measures in the health care system.

Electronic medical records have yet to fulfill their potential

An admittedly technophobic internist recounts her first day using an electronic health records. Her lesson learned: Internists must take control of their design and use to make the most of these new systems.

Collaborations gather disparate organizations together

The American College of Physicians collaborates with other medical societies about how internists can enable members to provide better patient experiences and outcomes, as well as increase access to affordable, available, high-quality, cost-conscious care.

How today's health care teams can play to win

Chronic, complex diseases require a team approach. The size of these teams is growing, as is the types of people involved in them. Internists must be key players to provide high-value, cost-conscious care.

Time away from the office an investment in the time spent in it

Politicians have markedly disparate visions for the government's role in health care. The outcomes of the 2012 elections will have an impact on what eventually happens.A recap of events at Internal Medicine 2011 provide insights into clinical knowledge and the problems facing internal medicine.

Reclaiming who we are: Internal medicine's central role

Internists must use their admirable heritage to provide the best care for patients and reclaim internal medicine's central role in delivering health care.

Off-service note from ACP's outgoing president

ACP has made tremendous strides in the past 100 years, and must make many more in the next 100 in order to achieve its goals of caring for patients in an effective health care environment.

ACP chapters offer myriad opportunities for involvement

ACP's chapters form the core of member involvement with the organization, as well as offer benefits in networking, learning and managing.

Report on nurses' scope of practice requires clarification

An Institute of Medicine report comes at a transformational time for health care in America. How this report changes scope of practice issues and nurses' interactions with physicians will affect the team-based approach sought from new health care models.

Medical home model might be health care's next great change

The patient-centered medical home might be health care next transformational innovation, one that will allow primary care to survive and thrive.

An international meeting highlights domestic health care

ACP's international membership has much to offer the domestic roster, and vice versa.

Change for the future and a look at the past

A look back at where internal medicine has been provides insight into the future of what health care might become.

EHRs could solve resource overuse, free up physician time

Electronic health records can help physicians with the administrative burdens of practice, allowing them to focus on the clinical aspects of caring for patients.

ACP can be a medical home for all aspects of internal medicine

Physicians with widely disparate backgrounds and interests can function together and share a passion for expanding primary care under the auspices of a patient-centered medical home.

ACP's president converting to a medical home for quality care

Pilot studies of the patient-centered medical home show success and satisfaction for the doctors willing to make the change. ACP's president begins his own conversion, and shares the results with the entire membership.

‘Reform’ hasn't always equaled improvement of health care

ACP's incoming president lays out his agenda for the upcoming year and how the patient-centered medical home improves the enjoyment found in practicing primary care internal medicine.

Reflecting on a year of service, leadership, honor and privilege

ACP's president offers his final thoughts on a year of service to the College, the passage of health care reform, and the modern version of the Hippocratic Oath.

‘Preventive’ measures don't translate properly to the public

Prevention is an important tool, but it must be placed in the context of evidence and value. The cost of ignoring that is false reassurance and the politicization of medical care.

Best patient care gets lost amid the health care delivery system

A primary care doctor measures the benefits that he can provide to his patients: continuity of care and a complete “story” to tell about each one.

A better Board of Regents for a better health care system

ACP's Board of Regents will reorganize to meet the future needs of the organization.

Reflecting on a year of service, leadership, honor and privilege

ACP's president offers his final thoughts on a year of service to the College, the passage of health care reform, and the modern version of the Hippocratic Oath.

Physicians can help patients decide about end-of-life issues

The recent decrying of “government death panels” undercuts patient welfare, patient autonomy and social justice, and physicians have a duty to take a leadership role in the debate over health care reform.

Excessive consults stem from lack of time for primary care

The pressure to see patients every 15 minutes does not leave much time to work complex diagnoses or manage chronic diseases. And haphazard referrals drive up the cost of care for everyone. Health care reform needs to incentivize quality of care rather than amounts of care.

Economic pressures turn art of medicine into rote practice

While much of a clinician’s stature among peers depends on encyclopedic understanding of the scientific literature, his or her effectiveness depends largely on well-honed skills of communication and relationship building. Never have such skills been more critical or more challenging than they are today.

Universal care frees doctors to take ‘all measures required’

The ability of physicians to meet the new demands of a modern Hippocratic oath requires universal coverage as outlined by ACP.

Sharing knowledge is part of a modern Hippocratic Oath

Recent scandals challenge physicians’ abilities to embrace the incredible volume of information information and translate new research into bedside practice.

Rural experience, global perspective for health care reform

In the midst of an economic recession and escalating health care costs, the College develops directions and solutions for health care reform.

Unresolved health care reform issues mask real progress

ACP's outgoing president reflects on the past year with confidence that within the turbulent environment of primary care lies great opportunity.

Meetings offer doctors personal, professional enrichment

ACP provides internists with a wealth of learning opportunities at Internal Medicine 2009.

Strength in numbers: building influence through coalitions

The American College of Physicians joins with government, quality groups and other medical societies to increase the volume of internal medicine's voice.

ACP programs provide best practices to ensure the best care

A number of quality improvement programs available from the College can help.

Strengthen primary care to heal the U.S. health care system

Internists need to keep elected officials on-track for reforming health care.

A broken leg offers a first-hand look at health care reform

Finding treatment for a broken leg while overseas offers a first-hand look at health care reform in America.

Patients, generalists and subspecialists all gain from PCMH

When discussing the PCMH as a model for delivering health care in the U.S. three questions commonly arise.

Discontent leads to medical home models

Returning primary care to the foundation of health care delivery and adopting the patient-centered medical home as the central hub for each patient's care holds great promise for fostering a system that patients welcome and young physicians find appealing.

Amid D.C.'s din, ACP makes sure internists' voices are heard

Amid D.C.’s din, ACP makes sure internists’ voices are heard.

ACP tackles timeless themes in contemporary circumstances

Historical perspectives written at varying times over the College’s 93 years.

Passing the Baton to ACP's next president

After completing my year as President of the College, it is time to pass the baton.

ACPNET brings continuing medical education into the clinic

We all appreciate that studying and learning are lifetime essentials for being a good physician.

ACP chapter meetings are great for CME and for collegiality too

Chapter meetings have underlying similarities and distinctive features, too.

ACP issues recommendations for heath care system reforms

In its policy paper, ACP made eight major recommendations based on comprehensive analyses of eight pluralistic systems and four single-payer systems.