June 2019

Palliative care's place outside cancer
Integrated palliative care is important in offering comfort measures to patients with conditions that are expected to shorten their life spans.
Top 10 medical myths, busted
Ten medical myths persist despite all the evidence.
The importance of ‘the caring’
The fragmented health delivery system in which physicians maneuver can interfere with patients' perception of how much a clinician cares.
Will Medicare's new primary care models be a game-changer?
New reimbursement models will begin the transition away from fee-for-service to risk-adjusted capitation payments, known as Primary Care First Model Options.
So you've discovered a pancreatic cyst …
Internists should follow a stepwise progression of diagnosis and management of pancreatic cysts.
To test or not to test for inherited thrombophilias
First consider whether a deep venous thrombosis was provoked or unprovoked, as well as at the type of provoking factors.
A selfie goes viral for a selfless cause
A social media challenge at Internal Medicine Meeting 2019 raised money for worthy causes.
Losing it: A rational approach to hair loss
Fun facts about the hair cycle, five questions about the condition, and treatment options can help internists address an emotional topic for patients.
Changes made to opioid prescribing information
This column reviews details on recent recalls, warnings, and approvals.
Latest updates on ACP's priorities, initiatives
ACP Spotlight offers readers a look at ACP's current top priorities and initiatives, as well as highlights from our e-newsletter, ACP Internist Weekly.
ACP welcomes annual meeting ‘home’ to Philadelphia
This issue offers in-depth coverage of Internal Medicine Meeting 2019.
MKSAP Quiz: Joint pain, rash, and weakness
A 61-year-old woman is evaluated for joint pain, a rash on her legs, and weakness. She has chronic genotype 1 hepatitis C viral infection. She takes no medication. Following a physical exam and lab studies, what is the most appropriate treatment?